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Professional Experiences

Marketing Management is much more than selling a product or service

July 31, 2015

Talking to you now a little  about my experiences as a Marketing Manager and let me explain and  reinforce that a marketing manager is not  a salesperson or a commercial, such as  I have been confused several times. But  yes, someone with enough know-how and studies to be behind the strategies and planning of any business area.

1- Marketing Management in the fitness area

Funny that my first business area and that I stayed in it for a while was Fitness, more specifically in Gyms. I started at BodyLand (in Leça da Palmeira), then I was invited by WellDomus (in Foz) and later (Pinhais da Foz, which as its name implies is  in Foz).

In all these companies that I mentioned before, I grew a lot professionally as  Marketing Manager and personally, learning to organize myself, to be methodical, perfectionist and above all to comply with rules and deadlines when I had to organize events.

It was my job to plan strategies, carry out partnerships and protocols with companies linked to the sector, rectify the  prices and making them  more competitive with the market, study the competition and make use of this study and, what gave me the most pleasure was,  organize events and open days. Like that pattern see below.


Organization of an event at the 'Pinhais da Foz' Gym on the beach

2- Marketing Management in the Educational Area

Another experience I had later  went to manage marketing at a College in Estoril.

And this one is  the best story I have to tell you until  today.

For personal reasons, I had to accompany my boyfriend to Estoril - Lisbon. I dropped everything I had for Porto and went to  adventure.  

After several emails and CV submissions, I was called from the Fame company to start working as a Scouter after a couple of weeks there.  be. The job was quite interesting, the company was relatively connected to Journalism and I thought I could have some professional growth, until  that a few days later I realized that this was not the reality. There was a lot of corporate disorganization, some discomfort with a colleague who didn't work in the best ethical way, was immensely far from our home, from  among many other reasons, I gave up  right after a month of work.

After a few days I was sending resumes more calmly to apparently more interesting companies closer to home. Until  that the advertisement for Colégio D. Luisa Sigea appeared, which said it needed a Marketing Manager. College that was just 5 minutes from home.  I said  BINGO! IT'S  even here I go to work. I sent an email, personally left my curriculum at the college. And waited. Two weeks had passed and nothing. Until  that my mother-in-law told me to stay calm because she knows that this job will be mine. A day later the phone rings. It was the director arranging a meeting with me. Very well. The next day, I got dressed, I went to the interview, I talked I talked I talked, very relaxed, I told the two directors (who are sisters by the way) about my entire professional career. And at the end of it all, they told me right away that I was selected from among the hundred or so CVs that had applied for the position. I would only have to fight for the position with only 2 others who had also liked them. I was asked to make a Marketing plan for the entire school year and suggestions for changes, until  at the end of the week (I would have another 6 days to go). Nervous and very anxious with the news and with all that positive meeting I had with the directors, my head filled with ideas and that same night I made a mini Marketing plan and sent it to them right away.

The following week, they called me to say that I had been chosen. 

Well! My eyes filled with joy, as did my mother-in-law and boyfriend who from the beginning purely believed that I would be able to conquer that  School.

Well, conquering is  even the right term.

I entered late December and had to leave late June (once again for my boyfriend's professional reasons).

not only  I was at that school as a Marketing manager, I was a dance teacher, a child psychologist, a mother to many girls who looked at me as such, a sister  older to others, I don't even know how to explain it, because what I still feel inside here is  very strong and you can't just write down all the feelings that go in my head like this in a blog.

But I tell you, the  my time at Colégio D. Luisa Sigea, was worthy of being written in an internationally published book. There I had the family that wasn't with me, the friends that I didn't have around, the affection that sometimes was lacking when my boyfriend was working away, the hand that extended  when I needed it most.

And believe me, I may have been like a mother and sister  for many students there. But I had more than a few directors and colleagues by my side. I had several Mothers and sisters there to take care of me. Teaching me more and more about life. More about who we really are and what we do in this life. And that nothing that happens is  by chance, everything is  right and has its reason for being and happening.


And to follow the Post about a journalist, in which I say that we should love what we do, well, I love my area of journalism, but if I could choose, I would spend my whole life working at Colégio D. Luisa Sigea, with the same classmates, the same directors and all my boys (They couldn't grow any bigger ahahahahah)

Enjoy a part of the film that I prepared for the College on the day of my farewell and see how good it is to wake up every day full of positive energy for another day of work. 

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